Shades Ke’ao The Light Of Many
Shines On
About “Ke’ao”

Ke’ao’s Hawaiian name means “Light of Day”. Ke’ao was born on 9-11-2016, and his show name is to honor all those who lost their lives on 9-11. Ke’ao is a free heart and a natural showman in the ring! He can turn his energy on or off like flipping a light switch. Ke’ao got off to a rocky start by unknowingly breaking the growth plate in his back leg as a very young puppy. He had to have extensive Surgery when he was 10 weeks old and lost all his puppy time healing and going through rehabilitation with his amazing Owner Sandi! He had no real show training but at 8 months old entered his first show and won. He is now a Champion and continues to impress us with his graceful movement and his showmanship attitude.
Image Gallery
This gallery has pictures of our CH Shades Nakoa V Enzo A Warrior’s Heart. To view, click on an album thumbnail, then click on any individual image to view an image slideshow.
Ke'ao's Albums
←CH Shades Ke'ao The Light Of Many Shines OnKe'ao - Best of Breed/BOBOH/BOW - Franklin, TN September 30, 2017
Ke-ao - Winners Dog, Myrtle Beach Kennel Club April 28, 2018
Ke-ao - Best of Winners, Myrtle Beach Kennel Club April 29, 2018
Ke'ao - Reserve Winner, Northern Kentucky Kennel Club, Lexington, KY September 3, 2017
Ke'ao - Winners Dog, Best Bred By Exhibitor - Clemson Kennel Club January 5, 2019
Ke'ao - Best of Winners/New Champion - Atlanta Kennel Club April 2021
Ke'ao - Best of Winners - Tennessee Valley Kennel Club, Knoxville TN November 4, 2017
Ke'ao - Best of Winners - Hilton Head Island Kennel Club July 21, 2018
Ke'ao - Best of Winners - Hilton Head Island Kennel Club July 22, 2018
Ke'ao in action - Lexington, KY September 2017
Video Gallery
View Ke’ao in action at AKC conformation events he participated in working towards his titles!