Shades Blue Skies Astralabe
About “Astra”
CH Shades Blue Skies Astralabe’s show career began at the Canadian National in the Fall of 2005 Judge Jill Swedlow selected Astralabe as Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best Puppy in Breed. Returning to Canada in the Fall of 2007, Astralabe received her Canadian title.
Astralabe gained her American Championship in the Fall of 2008 from the Bred-By-Exhibitor class, and received an invitation to the Eukanuba held in California.
In addition to her other accomplishments, she also earned her United Kennel Club title in the Fall of 2006.

Image Gallery
This gallery has pictures of our first champion out of the Bred-by class, CH Shades Blue Skies Astralabe. Click an image below to view it at full size.
Astra's Albums
←AKC UKC CKC CH Shades Blue Skies AstralabeAstra - Best of Winners/Best BBE/New Canadian Champion - Wine Country Kennel Club 2007
Astra - UKC New Champion 2007
Astra - Winners Bitch/New AKC Champion - Atlanta Kennel Club September 2008
Astra - Best of Winners- Greater Hickory Kennel Club, Hickory, NC December 2006
Astra - Best of Winners/Best Puppy - Association of Great Dane Fanciers September 17, 2005